- Betinoc België
- Haverheidelaan 24
- 9140 Temse
Tel : +32 (0)3 711 22 34- info@betinoc.be
VAT BE 0479.351.333
BETINOC develops, manufactures and installs shockproof and hygienic protective skirting boards, safety posts, walls and profiles for industrial buildings, machines and infrastructure
BETINOC develops, manufactures and installs shockproof and hygienic protective skirting boards, safety posts, walls and profiles for industrial buildings, machines and infrastructure
Headquarters Betinoc Belgium
Haverheidelaan 24
9140 Temse
Tel: +32(0)3-7112234
Hyprowall stands for Hygienic Protective Wallcoverings. In other words, impact-resistant panels to renovate existing walls in HACCP environments and make them hygienic again. For example in food processing companies, hospitals, bakery workshops, the pharmaceutical industry or logistics companies.
The Betinoc Hyprowall 500 panels are hygienic and impact-resistant, but they also have benefits in terms of maintenance, assembly and aesthetics. For example, thanks to the unique, incorporated antibacterial and anti-fungal strip you no longer need to seal the panels. As a result, you have a low-maintenance and robust wall in no time.