- Betinoc België
- Haverheidelaan 24
- 9140 Temse
Tel : +32 (0)3 711 22 34- info@betinoc.be
VAT BE 0479.351.333
BETINOC develops, manufactures and installs shockproof and hygienic protective skirting boards, safety posts, walls and profiles for industrial buildings, machines and infrastructure
BETINOC develops, manufactures and installs shockproof and hygienic protective skirting boards, safety posts, walls and profiles for industrial buildings, machines and infrastructure
The Betinoc protections are designed as such that they continue to protect. Through the years and in all circumstances. To that end, we developed our own patented system.
Skirting boards and walls in industrial buildings, clean rooms or hospitals often have to endure quite a lot. The impact of forklifts, food carts, pallet trucks, etc. often causes damage. In critical environments such as the food industry, hygiene is automatically compromised.
Betinoc counters this danger in an ingenious way: with the combination of concrete and stainless steel. Together, these materials provide shockproof protection that stays hygienic at all times and prevents crumbling.
For the long-lasting adhesion of the concrete and the stainless steel, we developed a specific composition of different elements. Both materials are also physically anchored by curling the bottom and top of the stainless steel around the concrete skirting boards.
Betinoc is an advisor, manufacturer and exporter of impact-resistant and hygienic protections for the industrial market. This allows us to carry out all-in projects with installation but we sell our solutions just as well without installation. Both for new construction projects in the food, pharmaceutical or logistics industries and for the renovation of existing (hygienic) walls and skirting boards.