- Betinoc België
- Haverheidelaan 24
- 9140 Temse
Tel : +32 (0)3 711 22 34- info@betinoc.be
VAT BE 0479.351.333
BETINOC develops, manufactures and installs shockproof and hygienic protective skirting boards, safety posts, walls and profiles for industrial buildings, machines and infrastructure
BETINOC develops, manufactures and installs shockproof and hygienic protective skirting boards, safety posts, walls and profiles for industrial buildings, machines and infrastructure
1. Binding power of the general terms and conditions. Ordering our products implies acceptance of our general terms and conditions. Our customers' terms and conditions of purchase do not have legal effect.
2. Quotes. All our quotes are submitted without any obligation.
3. Contracts. The obligations of any kind entered into by persons appointed by our company are only binding following written confirmation in the required form by our company.
4. Pricing. Our prices are based on the prices of the raw materials, wages, social charges, energy and other costs and charges in force at the time of the contract. VAT, current and future taxes are payable by the customer. We reserve the right to adjust our prices at any time, taking into account the possible increase of certain elements of our cost price.
5. Delivery period. Delivery periods are specified by way of indication only. Delays can never give rise to a breach of contract or to damages.
6. Storage and transport. If goods need to be stored at Betinoc for longer than 1 month after the agreed delivery date, we reserve the right to charge storage costs. This amounts to 1% of the invoice amount on a monthly basis, for each started month. Moreover, Betinoc is not responsible for any damage, of whatever nature, caused by this storage in the open air. Claims as a result of delivery of goods by third parties are not accepted.
7. Quality of the products. All orders are carried out in accordance with the usual composition. We bear no responsibility for the use of the delivered merchandise. A deviation tolerance in terms of dimensions of 3 percent on our products compared to the norm is permitted. Acceptance of our products is assumed when they are made available to the customer and in any case before they are processed on the site. Non-standard products produced at the customer's request will not be taken back.
8. Force majeure. Cases of force majeure such as strikes, whether general or partial, in our workplaces or at our suppliers of raw materials, lock-outs, accidents, fire in our workplaces and in general all forced reductions in terms of supply or production, as well as shortages of material, epidemics, quarantine, mobilisation, state of siege, war, release us from any damages and all obligations. The specified list is in no way whatsoever exhaustive.
9. Invoiced quantities. The invoiced quantities shall be determined exclusively based on the quantities on our pick-up notes, to the exclusion of any other method of determination.
10. Terms of payment. Unless otherwise agreed in the concluded contracts, all picked-up merchandise is payable 30 days after the invoice date. In the event of non-observance of the agreed term of payment, a delayed interest based on the applicable basic interest rate for cash credits, applied by banks and increased by 1.5%, shall be applicable automatically and by operation of law from the due date of payment. In the event of non-payment of the invoice on the due date as a result of negligence or bad faith, the amount of the invoice shall be increased by 12% with a minimum of € 50 and a maximum of € 1250 as a matter of course, after notice of default, as a conventional penalty clause by way of fixed damages, without this provision constituting an obstacle to the possible application of article 1244 of the Belgian Code in favour of the debtor. By the non-payment of one of our invoices on the due date, all our claims become immediately due and payable and we may, at our discretion, either suspend the execution of the current contracts or consider them void by operation of law. The fact that a complaint has been submitted does not discharge the buyer from compliance with our terms and conditions of payment.
11. Suspension of the contract. We reserve the right to suspend the execution of all contracts in the event of changes in the situation of our customer, such as death, disqualification, foreclosure or another limitation of legal capacity, bankruptcy, application for bankruptcy protection or amicable settlement, publication of a protest, credit default, outstanding bills with the Social Security Office, dissolution or change of company. This list is given as an example but is not restrictive, and this until sufficient guarantees have been given that represent the value of all or part of the goods that have remained unpaid or have not yet been picked up. The delivered goods remain the seller's property as long as the invoice has not been paid in full.
12. Jurisdiction. All our contracts are subject to Belgian law. Only the courts of the district of Dendermonde have jurisdiction for all disputes.
13. Complaints. All complaints relating to the picked-up products must be submitted in writing and by registered letter to us within 8 days after delivery. Complaints relating to the content of our invoices can only be accepted if submitted in writing and by registered letter to us within 8 days after the invoice date.
Headquarters Betinoc Belgium
Haverheidelaan 24
9140 Temse
Tel: +32(0)3-7112234